When you get into a car accident and you pull over to talk to the other driver and the police, you need to watch what you say. You also need to be careful about what you say when you talk to your insurance company as well. It is important to watch your words, as you don't want your words to get you in trouble.
Do Not Apologize
It is natural to want to say sorry when something goes wrong. It is natural to want to apologize, but this is one situation where you shouldn't say sorry. Going with your natural instinct to apologize can result in legal consequences for you. Your apologies, instead of being seen as something nice, could be seen as an admission of guilt for the accident by the police and by the insurance company. That is why you shouldn't say sorry, even if you feel bad.
Don't Say It Was Your Fault
Second, you should not say that the accident was your fault. Unless you are 100% sure that you were responsible for the accident, don't say it was your fault. Admitting to the accident being your fault will more than likely get you a traffic ticket and will result in your insurance paying out for the accident. Allow an investigation to take place and determine who was at fault.
Don't Say That You Didn't See the Other Vehicle
After an accident, people commonly say, "I didn't even see you there" when what they mean is something different. Maybe they meant that the accident happened so quickly, they didn't feel like they could fully articulate what happened. Don't say that you didn't see what happened to the insurance company or to the other driver. That could put the responsibility for the accident on you. It is a common expression to say you didn't see someone there, but you shouldn't say it unless you really mean it. Instead try to learn more about what happened to them.
Don't Say What You Think
When talking to the insurance company or the police, don't say what you think happened. Instead, stick only to the facts. Only say what you know happened with certainty. When talking about the accident, stick to the facts, not what you think happened. Your statement is recorded when you talk to the insurance company.
Don't Say You Are Not Hurt
Finally, don't say that you are not hurt until you are fully evaluated. Saying you are fine physically when it ends up that you bruised your tailbone, can get your case thrown out or make it more complicated for you to get the compensation you need.
When it comes to talking to the other driver, police, and the insurance companies after an accident, watch your words. If you are not confident about what to say, don't say anything, and refer all questions to your attorney.